Interactive traveling blog to post articles and learn from other user's experiences. Exploring Odyssey also offers an internal API hosting 60+ destinations including travel tips and important info before you next vacation!
This is an interactive meditation website geared to the fast pace professionals looking to tame their monkey mind. This app's features will help individuals focus, relax, and improve overall well-being.
Your Local Business application was made for communities who want to promote local business in their area. This platform helps businesses and community members stay connected.
Zenblock was created for individuals who want the experience of owning their own pet without all the hassle. It is an interactive game focused on the health and wellbeing of the user and pet!
This is an interactive console game between six alien ships and the Firefly. The Firefly will try and take on all six ships to win or will retreat and lose the battle. User will start game by clicking on "start-battle" button.